Weather is so beautiful right now, but getting warm. I am excited that I will be Popping Up at a few local Markets here in Central Florida. Saturday May 1st I will be at the Southern Belle Realty Makers Market in Brooksville... here is the link for details on FB
I will be featuring my Diamonds and Rust Creations Collection which will include some "Mermaid" bracelets (pictured below) as we will be near the Mermaid Trail in Brooksville. These bracelets feature beautiful shimmery Mermaid Aurora Borealis droplets and Fabulous Vintage Pearl Droplets. Lots of Sparkley Aurora Borealis Mermaid Bangles too.
I will also be bringing other Vintage items that will be of interest to many, especially Mermaids, Old Hippies, New Hippies, and Rhinestone Cowgirls.

On May 8th, I will be at the Orange Avenue Market, here is the link for details on FB
Orange Avenue Market is from 5-8pm in downtown Brooksville I will be featuring my Diamonds and Rust Creation Collection which will include the Mermaid series bracelets, my Chinese Qing Dynasty inspired pieces that feature Original Vintage Qing Dynasty Sterling repousse' center pieces and beautiful Modern and Vintage Natural Stones. These are my personal Favorites. I will probably have about 6 of these in stock as these vintage findings are impossible to find.
I got a dozen of these in NYC at a Vintage Jewelry show a few years ago.

I will also be bringing some Bakelite and a good bit of Rhinestone Vintage Costume Jewelry. If you are looking for any particular items contact me via email and I will check my inventory and bring them.

I will also be accepting items for restoration, i.e. needing a few rhinestones replaced, needing enamel restoration, some restringing, etc. I am also happy to help with identification and information about your jewelry pieces. I will do my best to get you some accurate information if I don't know.
I am always accepting commissions for converting your unworn Heirloom pieces into wearable pieces that You can enjoy. It is such a shame for a beautiful broken brooch from Mom or Grandmother to be sitting in a box when we can update it and make it something you will enjoy and bring you memories of your special piece.
Remember Wedding Season is beginning. Wedding Jewelry is so important, I am delighted to assist with styling jewelry to compliment every Bride and her attendants. In Person and Virtual Styling sessions available.
I hope to see you at one of the shows, please come out and support our local folks who are trying to get us back on the track of life after pandemic.
Photo features Diamonds and Rust Creations Bracelets currently in stock.
Inventory changes daily as new items are created and in stock items sell.
See you soon!
Kim Loves Vintage