I am so happy that folks are resuming their Meet Ups, Conventions, Special Events, Trunk Shows, Vintage Markets and Festivals.
This summer marks the resumption of Live In Person National Jewelry Camp, Regional Jewelry Club Meet Ups and National Jewelry Convention planning.
I am happy to say I have already made commitments for speaking engagements and trunk shows. Specifically, Bakelite Talks.
This was my last education session as published in the Pioneeer Woman Magazine in Spring of 2020, 2 weeks into lockdown, sad, bad timing.

More specific details about Upcoming events will follow and will be in the Events Section of my website.
Here is a bit about what goes into an event at a private education event or convention seminar...
Planning the event requires updating my presentation, preparing items for display and sale. Also sorting out the logistics of the location and the needs of the Host and guests. Sometimes the focus is on the History of Bakelite, sometimes on Bakelite Testing. The focus is determined by the Host
The Event...
My usual format is to have several long tables with a lovely display of Bakelite Jewelry, utensils, game pieces, resource books, magazine articles, etc set up.
Participants can see the display and look a bit before the presentation.
I will also be dressed in appropriate Bakelite Accessories and discuss styling Bakelite with your wardrobe as well as mixing with other jewelry. Other Basic jewelry styling ideas and tips will be presented.
Link to my Bakelite Article in the Pioneer Woman Magazine Spring 2020
I will do a formal digital presentation about the history of Bakelite, Interesting and exotic Bakelite pieces, discuss what makes some pieces more desirable than others, talk about Bakelite Colors, and talk about Bakelite testing and curating a Bakelite collection, especially buying from reputable dealers.
My presentation is always sprinkled with personal insights, experiences and anecdotes to make the presentation engaging for the participants.
I have my own laptop and projector Host only has to provide a screen,
Vintage stand up screens are always a hit!
My set up usually takes about an hour, I then like to have at least 30 minutes to "gather my thoughts" and double check my set up. My talk is generally 45-60 minutes depending on the audience engagement and interaction.
Then I will do questions and answers and identifications, valuations and authentications...One on One and small group interactions.
I find that after the talk guests usually linger around at least an hour talking, shopping and looking at the variety of items I have on display.
During that time anyone who is interested in any of the jewelry pieces I have brought may make purchases from me and from the Host shop.
I will have the jewelry displayed in quality portable countertop cases.
I also have my own point of sale to make credit card sales,
I do usually need to use the Host wifi.
This all usually takes about 4 hours,
but I will structure it in a way to suit the needs of the Host
It is always a pleasure for me and generally very well received by my audience.
In answer to other questions...
I don't have any local speaking engagements scheduled until Fall.
I do have a local summer jewelry group meet up in the works for June.
It will be a day of meeting up for information sessions,
boxed lunch, show and tell, identifications, sales and swap.
We are negotiating a date right now with the local Women's Club here in Brooksville, Florida. Stay tuned for this in my Events section of my site.
Our local Main Street association will publicize this as well, though it will be a ticketed event with limited space available.
I have lots of dates available during June, July and August.
September begins the vintage market season so those weekend dates are going quickly.
I am so happy to be getting back out in the world!
If you or anyone you know have any interest in holding an event and want want to discuss scheduling, please do not hesitate to contact me.