On August 25th the Rogue Vintage Jewelry Collectors and Antique and Vintage Costume Jewelry Collectors held our first Summer Seminar and Meet Up.
What a Smash! Everyone was just so happy to be face to face with old and new jewelry friends. Use the link below to see more photos.
Visit the group Facebook page via the link above to learn more about the group and photos and detailed descriptions by attendees.
We can't wait to do this again next summer!
And Look for information on the upcoming Rogue Vintage Jewelry Collectors Convention in Providence Rhode Island.
Here was the Itenerary for the 3 day event
*PRE EVENT Cocktail Party - Wednesday August 34th 6pm Seminar Thursday August 25th from 9am to 5pm
Farewell Dinner 7pm Brooksville Bistro
A fun day of Vintage Jewelry information Sessions,
Show and Tell,
Lunch and Chat. Special jewelry swap and sell end of day event was also held. Members met face to face with their jewelry friends to learn about vintage jewelry from some nationally known experts, view some fabulous collections, and a very special jewelry swap event at the end of the day.
The day began at 9am with a Welcome and introductions of Presenters and Attendees.
1st Session Deborah Kosnett - Figurals Deb is a nationally known collector and has lectured at Costume Jewelry Collectors International Convention. Deb is a well known collector and vintage seller, she shared her figural collection and discussing the history and collecting Vintage Figural Jewelry.
2nd Session Kim DeWitt Paff Identifying and collecting Bakelite Jewelry Kim is an internationally known speaker having lectured at Vintage Fashion and Costume Jewelry convention, Costume Jewelry Collectors International convention several times, also at Jewelry Camp and various regional gatherings. Kim will be talking about the history of Bakelite, collecting Bakelite and how to test and identify Bakelite, attendees may bring Bakelite to be tested or identified and will receive a complimentary Bakelite Testing pad for their own personal use.
Box Lunch - Lunch and Learn Enjoyed a delicious box lunch from local restaurant. While lunching we browsed some of the fabulous collections on display by attendees and presenters, and were able to chat with that jewelry friend we were meeting in person for the first time. About 1 hour
After Lunch, Frank Cafaro Online Auction Expert gave some helpful hints and advice for holding and attending online auctions.
VINTAGE JEWELRY TRIVIA!!! By Frank Cafaro This was a Super Fun group activity, everyone was so engaged and loved the activity.
Session 3 Cat Thompson Mourning and Victorian Jewelry Cat Thompson is an artist and Professor of Art History at University of Tampa. Cat is a Jewelry Historian and Victorian iconography expert, specializing in Mourning jewelry. Cat Thompson and Carol Eaton will be sharing their Victorian jewelry collections as well. Carol is an avid Victorian and Mourning Jewelry collector and has been actively studying jewelry history for decades.
Session 4 Special Surprise guest speaker!
Kevin Friedman Kevin Friedman is the seventh generation from a distinguished line of South African jewelers. A true artist in his own right, Kevin is a multi-international award winning jeweler, artist, and jewelry historian. With a unique design perspective, Kevin Friedman believes that jewelry exists to give pleasure to both the wearer and the observer. Known for pushing boundaries, his jewelry collections have featured the inclusion of various alternative materials, from wood and old ship parts, to computer components, and collectible antiques, all of which are set beautifully amongst precious metals and exquisite gemstones.
Kevin spoke on Symbolism and Meaning in Jewelry and how jewelry communicates a message by the wearer. He also told the story of how he unknowingly designed a brooch for the late Great Queen Elizabeth II, RIP.
Question and Answer session followed along with Group discussion, show and tell, socializing, jewelry selling and swapping.
It was an exciting day of Learning and networking with jewelry friends in person. Filled with Prizes and Surprises
This event was limited to 30 attendees
Some attendees admiring Kevin's Jewelry

Kevin Friedman and Sena King

Kim DeWitt Paff and Lujuan Wang

Roxie Merino trying one of Kevin's creations